Other |  | Custody For 8 months we were praying that Karina would have a successful court case and win custody of her daughter, Lindsey. There were many delays along the way, but we know that God is in charge of the situation and that everything happens for a reason, it is all part of God's plan and we need to let it unfold. Someone once told me, if I allow a rose to open, one petal at a time, then I have a object of beauty. But if I force it open, pulling its leaves apart, all I'm left with is a mess. After 8 long months we won the court case! Karina was granted joint legal and sole physical custody. She has been smiling all day and Lindsey is dancing and singing. Thank you so much for teaching us to pray, read the Psalms and give charity. It's been a very positive force in our lives. Sharon, Karina and Lindsey, Indiana |
 | Relationships Your prayers for my relationship have helped me and Sanders so immensely and we are closer than ever. I am so grateful. Malia, Los Angeles |
 | Clarity and Life Improvement Thank you for all your help and please send my thanks to the agent that prayed for me. Thank God I had the clarity I needed to leave my husband. God has also sent me a job, which I love! Rachel, California |
 | Return From War Zone God was merciful to me and my family. He returned my son, Matthew safe and sound after a 15-month deployment, including 12 months in Iraq, where he was an infantry soldier. He was a gunner on a humvee, and he frequently was involved in hostile combat situations. I am absolutely certain that the prayers at the Wailing Wall were received and were heard. Additionally, knowing that the prayers were offered gave much comfort to me and to him throughout his deployment in the war zone. I am very grateful to God and to your organization. Stephen D. Finstein, Dallas, TX |
 | Successful Family Relationships Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of you and my prayer request. It is my deep, heartfelt belief that my life has changed 180 degrees because of the 40 days’ prayer. Thank you for all of your help, support and encouragement, and when you speak to my agent who prayed at the Wailing Wall for me for 40 days, please give him my heartfelt thanks and blessing for him and his family. Sarah, Florida |
 | Life Improvement I asked you to pray for me to get over my fear of being around others. Great news, my prayers have been answered! But it does not stop there, I have become a new person who is able to socialize, go on retreats, and even began looking for a job. Thank you! Jenny, Arizona |
 | New Tenants Please tell my prayer agent that I received responsible new tenants for the properties. A few months ago, a lawyer begged me to file bankruptcy but God saved the day and blessed me with 2 sets of new tenants who like where they are living and are paying their rent on time. The prayers that were said for me asking God to protect the properties have all been answered. Forrest Casey, New York |
 | Successful Court Case I was falsely accused of an extremely serious crime. I was petrified of what seemed like imminent jail time. After my first 40 days, my court case was post-poned. After the next 40 days, my next court case was post-poned again and when a final date was set, I got an agent to pray 40 days one more time. Just a couple of days before I was set to go before a very tough judge, the person who accused me gave a full confession. The charges were dropped, and my innocence was revealed. It was truly a miracle and I am very grateful to your prayer warriors and to God. Marcello, New York |
 | Release from Incarceration I had asked you to pray for a former teacher of mine who was incarcerated against his will in a nursing home. Against all expectations, he came home during the prayer period and is now living alone in his own home and driving to his doctors’ appointments. Until then he had had attorneys working on the case, and had fights with his family because they could not get him out. Honestly, it could only be prayer. Thank you so much.
Margaret, Dallas |
 | Success on Exam This morning I took my exam and it went very well. I am now on my way to successfully completing my Ph.D. Thank G-d!!! Please say many thanks on my behalf to my prayer agent. Mark, Italy |
 | Inheritance My prayer absolutely came true even better than I could imagine! I was so close to losing all of my inheritance money, but in the end I got to keep most of it. Charlotte, Orlando |
 | Sobriety During my 40 days Henry relapsed, lost his job, and went back into treatment. Although it was painful for me to watch, I knew God was doing exactly what we had asked, taking care of Henry in the "sweetest way possible" . Then a miracle happened; Henry was given another chance at his job and has been sober since! I know the prayers are working! Sarah, Texas |
 | Better Marriage My husband has seen success from the very beginning of the 40 days, he found a therapy which seems to be ridding him of his childhood scars. Regarding myself there is an ongoing improvement in my ability to be kind and not judgmental. Little by little things are improving all around. |
 | Peace with an In-law I first wrote to you in a state of worry and despair for the troubles that seemed to be tearing my once loving family apart. My younger son, Wayne, is married and his wife had launched a vicious and slanderous campaign against myself and my older son in the attempt to turn Wayne and their two children against us and pursuade them to cut off all contact. The situation was incredibly painful for me and I felt that there was nothing I could do, nowhere I could turn. Then I heard about your service and I knew immediately that powerful prayer was the only hope for a resolution to this conflict. I asked you to pray that there be peace in my son's house and that his wife's hatred towards his mother and brother be removed. I want you to know that God has answered our prayers: my son's wife and I have made peace! It was me that put out my hand first, which was hard, but the fact that she was willing to come towards me is truly a miracle. God bless you and yours and all those who help through prayers. Mary, Iowa |
 | Relationships I asked you to pray that I would find clarity whether the guy I was dating was right for me. During that time I forgot all about him. It didn't matter if he was interested or not, I saw that it wasn't best for me. The Prayer was answered. In addition, I met someone new during that 40 days. I really believe with my whole heart in the 40 day process.Thanks for your help. Carolyn, London |
 | Marriage Progress I believe that I will be reporting some good news soon as my friend just asked me for my "ring size." He is supposed to visit me here soon. I feel like the prayers at the Wall were the beginning. Mine is very complex situation in that I have a daughter who needs a special father and this man lives far. Only God can orchestrate such a match....(with a lot of help from wonderful people like you and my agent.) Dorris, New Jersey |
 | Getting into School I sincerely thank all of you for completing my first 40 days of prayers at the Wailing Wall. Please tell my agent I said “Thank You.” The LECOM School of Pharmacy called me on the 10th of July and asked me if I was still interested in attending their school. I told them yes and they told me I will hear from them again next Monday. They will let me know my status on the alternate candidate list. I shall surely let you guys know when they confirm it that I have been officially admitted into the pharmacy program. Thank You and may God Bless. Peter, Texas |
 | Dating I wanted to update you on some amazing developments. My friend Rebecca has broken off her relationship, she realized that he was not good for her and her children. For her to realize this is a huge step in the right direction. Since then she has started dating another man. I am not sure if it is serious but one thing I am sure of: The power of prayer is really amazing. Mind-boggling.....and that's an understatement. I cannot thank you enough for being a part of this. Sabrina, Michigan |
 | Improved Relationship Thank you so much for the 40 Day Prayer, which just ended last week. During this 40 Days, I must say that Mike and I became much closer then before. This has made me very happy. I know the prayer for us to be together is working, although it needs a little bit more praying. I must ask you to please pray for me again for the next 40 days. Hopefully after that I will have GREAT news for you. Jackie, Boston |
 | Court Case I asked you to pray for me when I was in the middle of a very serious law suit against my former employers. I wanted to let you know that we were successful in winning the case. Thanks! Tammy, Montreal |
 | Marriage: Avoiding Mr. Wrong I am considering asking for another 40 days after everything that happened in the last period. I asked you to pray that I would be reunited with my ex-boyfriend and that we would get married. Our painful, on-again, off-again relationship had been unresolved for over two years but I really believed that he was the one for me. Anyway, during the 40 days it became very apparent to me that that guy is truly a selfish person and definitely not someone I want to marry. I have now totally accepted our break-up as a blessing. Now will you pray for me to find the real Mr. Right? Hartley, New Jersey |
 | Inner Peace I have been looking for a husband for a while and I was feeling quite depressed. I asked you to pray that I would feel good and make progress in my life, no matter what God has planned for me. After my 40 days started a few things happened that really made me realize that getting married is not the immediate answer to issues that I need to deal with beforehand. I have faith that when the time is right, things will fall into place. With thanks for your wonderful service, Patricia, Toronto |
 | Improved Relationship I asked you to pray for my daughter and her fiancé. They were having serious relationship issues and were considering calling off the wedding. I have felt a lot of comfort knowing that the prayers were being said at the Wailing Wall, along with our prayers. Rachel and Daniel are now going to a counselor to work out a few fundamental questions and I can see that they are making progress. I feel that the prayers have helped, and hope that they are able to get some clarity and that this relationship works out. Rebecca, California |
 | Buying a House I asked you to pray for us to find a new house and to sell our old one. Well, we signed the contract to the new house back in June and now we are just waiting for the closing. Everything has been going great and the sellers are very nice. We also were able to find a buyer for house that we were selling. Thank you for your prayers. Robert, Winnipeg |
 | Victory Over Enemies I have always believe that prayer is a very powerful tool and I have seen this once again through the power of your prayers. I don't want to give specifics but there were certain people who were making my life very difficult. Since you prayed for me at the Wall, I have had victory over my enemies. God has taken me in a new and unexpected direction in life that is a welcome change. Please thank my prayer agent from me. Greg, Ottawa |
 | Avoiding the Wrong Girl I came to you with an unusual prayer. I asked you to pray for me that my girlfriend would break up with me, despite my love for her. She wasn't right for me but I was terrified of hurting her. I'm writing to tell you that she finally let me go. It was painful but a huge relief that she ended it before I had to. Thanks to my prayer agent and thanks for the service. Paul, Los Angeles |
 | Better Marriage I’m happy to report that I think that the prayers at the Wall worked. It has not been a 180º change, but at least my husband and I feel a sense of better understanding between us. It has been a big improvement, and I believe that it will be a base for a better relationship overall. Sarina, Paris |
 | Successful Court Case I was involved in a bitter court case with some relatives who accused me of elder abuse when I was helping to look after my aunt. The accusations were malicious and false and the culmination of a long history of jealous and bitter actions against me by these relatives. I submitted a prayer request that I would be successful in the court case. I want you to know my ordeal has finally come to a close. I won the case and the truth did come out! One thing is for sure, knowing someone else was praying for me at the Wall made me feel more in touch with God. Thank you all for your time and prayers. Rachel, Connecticut |
 | Spiritual Success Our son had turned his back on his religion and was living with his girlfriend. After the first 40 days he moved back home and after the second 40 days he returned to the faith. We can’t thank you enough. Donna, New Mexico |
 | A Beautiful Home We asked you to pray for us to find a home near my work. We couldn’t possibly afford such an apartment, but after the 40 day we found a beautiful home near work at a price we could afford. Thank you. Jorge, San Diego |
 | Weight Loss I’ve lost 45 lbs since my 40 days of prayers began. I look really good now, and it does make a difference in how I feel. Thank you for your guidance and support. Shelly, New York. |
 | Lost items found I knew my engagement ring was somewhere in the house. I’d found my wedding band, but not the engagement ring. I asked you to have someone pray at the Wall for me that I would find my ring and other lost objects in our household- and it worked! I now have my engagement ring again, as well as my previously lost eyeglasses. Rose, California |
 | Children’s Schooling I was having trouble getting my daughter into a good school. So much trouble that I felt we needed strong prayers. Well, we wound up finding an exceptional school with only a few kids and a great teacher. My daughter was the very last girl to be accepted and we are thrilled. Marcy, Georgia |
 | Justice When my daughter was accused of a crime she didn't commit, our whole life was thrown upside-down. Then God led me to this prayer service at the Wall. The charges were dropped and her innocence was publicly revealed. Thank you and thank God! Anonymous |
 | Overcome Addiction My son was struggling with an addiction. I felt helpless, and arranged for a Wailing Wall agent to pray for him for 40 days. I couldn't believe it, but he personally checked himself into a re-habilitation clinic. God-willing, he will remain stable forever. Thank you so much for your care. Anonymous |
 | Successful Family Relationship My son had stopped speaking to me because his mother and I are getting divorced. I asked you to pray for me that my relationship with him would improve. Things are much better and continuing in a positive direction. Not completely out of the woods yet, but getting there. Please thank the agent who prayed for us at the Wailing Wall. Thank you for your help. Michael, Los Angeles |
 | Success My daughter and her friend were getting into a bad crowd. Being a religious person, this was a shock to our family and we immediately took action through getting a prayer agent for both of them. I'm so happy to say that things got much better for them at the end of the 40 days. I would like to continue the prayers until they are 100% in the clear. Pamela, Maryland |
 | Innocence Revealed I am an upstanding member of my community. So, when a bank brought forth charges of alleged fraud on my behalf I contacted you. I'm writing to tell you that all charges have been dropped against me. They realized that they had no basis. God is truly wonderful. Morris, Australia |
 | Buying a House I have good news to report. I was pre-approved to purchase a home. I was stunned and surprised! Most importantly, I was grateful to God and to your organization for all the prayers and good wishes that went out on my behalf. Please thank the team and the person who prayed for me. Hanna, Florida |
 | Harassment at Work I really didn't think anything could possibly help the terrible discrimination I was experiencing at work. Things were only getting worse. But, a miracle happened - my employer went overboard and broke the law. Now, the tables have turned and my employers are scared for their jobs and reputation. So, things have really improved for me. I have a leg to stand on in court now. Molly, Virginia |
 | Identity Theft I have been struggling significantly with major identity theft for the last 2 years, and emotional wipe out from tremendous stress. I finally resolved these issues during the 40 days. This was AMAZING. I was in tears when I received word that the papers were processing. Additionally, when I was told it would take 2 weeks, it suddenly came in two DAYS. I can't thank you enough. Elaine, New York |
 | Life Improvement Thanks to God through the auspices of your organization my life has become more and more remarkable every day. I can say that my life has DRAMATICALLY turned for the better, and I'm sure that your prayers are anchoring the blessings. Sam, New York |
 | Improved Relationship Thank you all and please tell my agent thank you for me and that God is using him in awesome ways. I have been seeing great improvements in my relationship with my boyfriend, William, in less than a month of prayer. Seeing great improvement and growth in my relationship has made me ecstatic and has increased my declined faith level. I am seeing once again that God has not forgotten me and still loves me. Lisa, Washington |